29 Jul 2000

A New Song (by Jan Karon)

'A New Song' is a light American novel by Jan Karon, and is chronologically sixth in the popular 'Mitford' series.

Father Tim, now retired, is invited to fill a temporary minister's slot some distance from home. He and his wife move there, and are immediately embroiled in the various characters of their new congregation.

However their friends in Mitford haven't forgotten them, and there is plenty of action as they try to resolve the conflicting demands of old and new friends.

I thought this a relaxing and refreshing book, which is best read after at least some of the others in the series. The earlier books are: At Home in Mitford, A Light in the Window, A Common Life, Those High Green Hills and Out to Canaan.


(I wrote a slightly longer review of 'A New Song' after I re-read it just under six years later.) 

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