16 Apr 2003

Death in the Stocks (by Georgette Heyer)

Having enjoyed Georgette Heyer's historical romances for many years, I've been very pleased to find another set of books that she wrote - albeit not many - in the crime fiction genre. I read 'Why Shoot a Butler?' aloud to my teenage sons, and we all enjoyed it so much that we decided to try another of Heyer's crime novels.

'Death in the Stocks' is about a wealthy young man who is found murdered, with his body, bizarrely, in some traditional village stocks. His relatives don't seem all that bothered...

There are some very well-written strong characters in this book, and a plot that keeps us guessing almost until the end. Some dry humour too, that works all the better for being read aloud, and even a hint of romance.

Recommended for anyone who likes the Agatha Christie style of crime fiction.

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