11 May 2001

Endless Night (by Agatha Christie)

Once started, I was determined to catch up for lost time by reading as many of Agatha Christie's crime novels as I could.  Thankfully there are many of them on my teenage son's shelves, as he has been reading her books for a couple of years.

This time I picked up 'Endless Night'.  However I was much less favourably impressed than I had been with the previous books I had read by this author.

The story is about Mike, who meets Ellie, the girl of his dreams, and finds a house which they both love. The problem is that it's on a site supposedly cursed by gipsies, and they find that they are repeatedly warned away from it.

Tragedy strikes.  And then, the plot has a twist so shocking that I could hardly believe it. There's a very strange ending, too.

Not one of my favourites, and not one I would personally recommend. 

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