16 Apr 2000

Brave New World (by Aldous Huxley)

'Brave New World' is a classic science fiction novel by the early 20th century writer Aldous Huxley. It's in the genre now known as 'dystopian'. It's one I felt I 'ought' to read, although I kept putting it off. It's not comfortable bedtime reading.

'Brave New World' describes a world five hundred years in the future. In this new world, all babies are born in test-tubes. People are completely conditioned to various careers, and free thinking is strongly discouraged.

However, a few people feel that there must be more to life than structured work, scheduled play and the 'soma' tablets that remove all unpleasant emotions. John, a 'savage' from a so-called uncivilised part of the world, is brought into London where he eventually sees it for what it is.

There is some unexpected satirical humour in this book.  There is also a shocking ending. I would say it is definitely worth reading once, but I doubt if I will read it again. 

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