1 Oct 2006

Panic Attacks (by Christine Ingham)

I had never before heard of Christine Ingham, who is apparently a writer of self-help books. Nor am I entirely sure where this book, 'Panic Attacks', came from. Perhaps it was from an inexpensive bookshop in the UK, since I do tend to pick up interesting-looking books about various health problems.

I thought it was clearly written, and provided an excellent overview of what panic attacks are, with clear explanations and examples. The book tells us what the symptoms are, what might cause them, and how to deal with them.

It is a very reassuring book, full of useful advice. If you ever think you - or anyone you know - might have suffered a panic attack, I would highly recommend this book. Even if you haven't had one, it's useful to know what they are as panic attacks can sometimes be mistaken for heart attacks.

Highly recommended. 

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