25 Sept 2005

The Divine Intruder (by James R Edwards)

The blurb about the book 'The Divine Intruder' describes the theme as: 'When God breaks into your life'. James R. Edwards, who is an American Presbyterian minister, has chosen eight passages of Scripture which he has re-written in modern language. He has added his own commentary alongside.

The author shows how, repeatedly, God meets with people in varied ways. He breaks into their lives, sometimes unexpectedly, and moves his plans forwards. Often this is despite human nature and failings.

I found it an interesting book, on the whole.  It was well-written and worth reading, although I would not have wanted to read it in one sitting. As it was I read a chapter each day for just over a week, and found some of them quite thought-provoking. They helped me to see afresh how various Biblical characters responded to God's intrusions in their lives.

On the other hand, it wasn't brilliantly inspiring. It's not a book which I will be rushing to read again.

However, for someone who feels as if God is a long way off, it could be encouraging. It's not too heavy, so I would recommend it in a low-key way. 

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