26 Jul 2003

The Tender Years (by Janette Oke)

I find Janette Oke's books relaxing and undemanding - they're low-key Christian historical fiction, really for teenage girls, but I still like picking one up if I have a couple of hours free and want to read something that won't stretch my brain.

'The Tender Years' is about Virginia who is thirteen years old. She is confused about life, and peer pressure; she's also feeling increasingly frustrated with her upright and godly family. She loves them, and doesn't want to upset them - yet she feels inner turmoil.

Virginia's friend Jenny seems to go looking for trouble, and Virginia is torn between wanting to be with Jenny and wanting to keep her family happy.

A tragic accident changes everything, and Virginia begins to grow up. She learns more about love and loyalty as she does, and helps to solve a dilemma. While the setting is America of many years ago, human nature doesn't change and the ethical problems are just as relevant today.

All in all, a very pleasant book. Recommended, if you like this kind of thing.

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