15 Jun 2001

Voices in Summer (by Rosamunde Pilcher)

voices in summer by Rosamunde Pilcher
(Amazon UK link)
I do love Rosamunde Pilcher's books. Every one of them. They're warm, and moving, and I find myself caring enormously about her characters. I re-read them all regularly.

'Voices in Summer' is one of her shorter novels. It features Laura, who is newly married and has some medical problems. She decides she cannot cope with a holiday with her husband and his old friends, so she goes to stay with a delightful elderly relative of his in Cornwall. Here, Laura learns a lot about love, and receives some unexpected shocks.

I thought the plot was very well-written, although the final revelation is fairly obvious by the time it's revealed. Not that it matters; the people are so believable and lovely, and the ending is a traditional happy one, despite a few unpleasant moments along the way.

Definitely recommended.

(For a longer review of this book, I re-read 'Voices in Summer' in 2008)

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