5 May 1999

The far side of the hill (by Nancy Livingstone)

The Far Side of the Hill by Nancy Livingstone
(Amazon UK link)
'The far side of the hill' is a historical novel by Nancy Livingstone. I had not previously heard of the author, but picked up the book in a thrift shop based on the cover and the blurb on the back. 

The novel features two sons of a poor crofter who go south to seek their fortunes, encouraged by their strict but caring school teacher. Rather than training for medicine, as their father hoped they would, they start in business.

Always trying to please their teacher, John marries a crippled girl who is pregnant. As the brothers work to build a huge business emporium, John finally discovers what Mary means to him.

There were believable people in this book, which was well written with some moving sections.  Recommended in a low key way if you like realistic historical fiction. However I doubt if I'll read it again.

Review copyright Sue's Book Reviews, May 1999

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