16 Feb 2001

The Larach (by Alexandra Raife)

The Larach by Alexandra Raife
(Amazon UK link)
A relative had recommended Alexandra Raife's books to me, knowing I enjoy character-based gentle novels. The first one I tried was 'The Larach', and I enjoyed it very much indeed.

The story features Clare who decides to give up her wild life and live in an isolated cottage in Scotland. She doesn't quite realise just what hard work will be involved, however, nor how close a community she's moving into.

Gradually Clare's past emerges into the open, as she begins to relate to the new people around her, and she discovers what she really wants in life.

I thought it was a lovely book, with clever observation of people, and a satisfying conclusion.


(You can also read my longer review of 'The Larach', which I wrote after re-reading it in 2007)

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