20 Feb 2001

Dear Doctor Lily (by Monica Dickens)

Dear Doctor Lily by Monica Dickens
(Amazon UK link)
I'm rather in two minds about Monica Dickens' writing. Some I like, some I'm not so keen on. Her books always look interesting on the covers, however, so I decided to try one I'd picked up in a charity shop.

'Dear Doctor Lily' is about two women, Lily and Ida, who meet by chance on an aeroplane. An unlikely but long-lasting friendship is formed. Lily is always eager to help people in need. Ida has escaped an unhappy home and abusive father, to marry an American GI. She quickly finds that her life is little better than it was before.

Lily marries for love, but in her continued quest for helping people, finds tragedy and has to pull her life together afresh.

The people were interesting, although the plot was rather slow and I found it a bit hard-going at times. Well-written, and worth reading, but I doubt if I'll read it again.

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