20 Jul 2011

Calm my Anxious Heart (by Linda Dillow)

Calm my Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow
(Amazon UK link)
The Christian writer Linda Dillow someone else whom I would probably never have come across, had this book not been available free (for a while) for the Kindle.

'Calm my Anxious Heart' has at its premise that most women worry a great deal, and expend far too much energy on anxiety - about their loved ones, their futures, their health, and so on. For those who do worry a lot, it has plenty of calming advice about meditating on Scripture, and trusting God.

I didn't find anything new. But I thought the style is good, and there are plenty of interesting anecdotes. Some of these are from the author's own experience, and some is that of various of her friends. Linda Dillow has travelled fairly extensively and this makes for interesting stories.

However, just a couple of days after finishing it, I don't recall anything mind-blowing or even inspirational about the book - just that, overall, I enjoyed reading it and liked the style. I did find myself regularly wondering why it was written for women, since men worry just as much (and sometimes find it harder to admit it), but that's a minor niggle.

To Christians struggling with serious anxiety, this book might be helpful, but I'm quite glad I downloaded a free version since I would not want to pay full price.

The link is to  a paperback edition since the Kindle edition is no longer free.

Review copyright Sue's Book Reviews, 19th July 2011

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