5 Dec 2010

From Here to Heaven (by Tom Walker)

From Here to Heaven by Tom Walker
(Amazon UK link)
I'm not entirely sure how this book ended up on my shelves, but I probably bought it second-hand. The author, Tom Walker, used to be the vicar (or rector, as the book says) of a church fairly near where we lived, and we knew some people who attended. Perhaps it was his name that attracted me to the book in the first place, but I don't think I'd ever read it.

'From here to heaven' describes the author's journey to faith. He had something of a 'religious' childhood, with music and hymns being very important to him. As a young adult he decided that atheism made more sense, but God kept on believing in him, and so eventually he came to faith in Christ, and followed a call to the Anglican ministry.

The writing is good, although there were rather too many digressions (for my taste) into Scriptural verses and explanations, which rather interrupted the flow. I was interested in the autobiographical elements of the story, and would like to have read more about the author's wife and family; instead there were chapters about spiritual warfare, healing, and other such subjects, with a few anecdotes and a great deal of teaching. It felt almost as if two possible books had been merged into one, and it didn't quite work.

I was a little disappointed that I didn't really feel as if I knew the author any better by the end, although I certainly knew more about him than I did. The 'teaching' sections didn't say anything new, and by the end I was rather skimming them.

Not a bad read, but I doubt if it would be of much interest to the general public. Written in 1987, and long out of print.

Review copyright Sue's Book Reviews, 5th December 2010

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