19 Feb 2011

Lucas Unleashed (by Jeff Lucas)

Lucas Unleashed by Jeff Lucas
(Amazon UK link)
It was only last year that a friend introduced me to a book by the Christian writer Jeff Lucas. I found it refreshing, and have started collecting others that he has written.

'Lucas Unleashed' (subtitled 'Wisdom for life on the high wire') is a book of apparently random short pieces, none more than about three sides. They're mainly anecdotal, stories leading on to some kind of message. Some of the stories made me smile; others made me feel deeply moved. Pretty much all of them gave me pause for thought.

Lucas writes from a clearly Christian perspective, but without any jargon, and without toeing any particular denominational line.

He is somewhat self-deprecating, sharing his own weaknesses and mistakes, and, generally, shows how his worldview is not so different from that of the majority, other than having Jesus at the centre. He's British, but lives in the USA so has a good understanding of transatlantic cross-cultural issues.

I found this thought-provoking, and eminently readable. It's a short book - only 126 pages - but I read just three or four sections each day; reading straight through would make it difficult to stop and think.

Recommended. Not currently in print in the UK, but often available second-hand.

Review copyright Sue's Book Reviews, 19th February 2011

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