20 Nov 2001

Cressida (by Clare Darcy)

Cressida by Clare Darcy
(Amazon UK link)
I like Clare Darcy's historical romances. They're not as brilliant as Georgette Heyer's novels, but in a similar style.

In 'Cressida', we meet the heroine of that name, known as Cressy. She is in her late twenties, and seems to be a hardened flirt.

Unexpectedly, Captain Deverell, to whom she had been betrothed some years before, appears in her life again. They find themselves squabbling frequently, until a dramatic climax makes them (unsurprisingly) realise how much they mean to each other.

There's some light humour in this book, and a realistic setting. On the other hand, the plot is rather predictable, and the characters and dialogue a bit flat.

Now out of print, but this is the kind of book that can sometimes be found at charity shops.

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