18 Oct 2001

Picking up the Pieces (by Mary Sheepshanks)

Picking up the Pieces by Mary Sheepshanks
(Amazon UK link)
Mary Sheepshanks isn't a very well-known author; I first found one of her books almost by accident, in a second-hand shop. I liked the pastel cover and the blurb on the back sounded interesting!

'Picking up the Pieces' is a very enjoyable novel, featuring a four-generation family. Kate, the grandmother, is the main protagonist. she has been recently widowed, and is determined to become more independent.

Kate shares a home with her delightful and outspoken mother-in-law, while almost next-door lives her rather demanding daughter, Joanna, who clashes frequently with her teenage daughter Harriet.

As Kate starts to develop her social life, falls in love, and decides to move and begin a new career, Joanna expects her to become a comfortable granny who will babysit on demand. So clashes are inevitable,,,

Excellent, realistic characters in a gentle but clear plot and many enjoyable sub-plots. All in all, I very much enjoyed this book and determined to buy more by Mary Sheepshanks as soon as possible. Most, unfortunately, are now out of print.

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