30 Sept 2001

Drumveyn (by Alexandra Raife)

Drumveyn by Alexandra Raife
(Amazon UK link)
I always like discovering a new author; once I do, I try and acquire all their novels (or as many as I can) and read my way through them. Alexandra Raife is a relatively recent find, and I'm very much enjoying her gentle novels, which seem to be set in Scotland.

'Drumveyn' is the first one she published, and is the story of Madeleine, who is trying to come to terms with her husband's death. She is also struggling to maintain a facade built up by her parents, and continued by her husband, but has no idea who she really is inside, or what she would like to do with the rest of her life.

Gradually, Madeleine realises that her friends and relative need her help. As she matures and develops, free from her husband's over-constricting influence, she lerans to love and live again.

Reassuring, sympathetic and encouraging.


(On re-reading, nearly six years later, I wrote a longer review of Drumveyn)

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