7 Jul 2001

Jo's Boys (by Louisa M Alcott)

Jo's Boys by Louisa M Alcott
(Amazon UK link)
Having re-read and enjoyed one of Louisa M Alcott's books recently, I thought I would re-read its sequel.

'Jo's Boys' is the last of the four novels she wrote for teenagers, in the 19th century.  It's about the March family, introduced in the book 'Little Women' and its descendants.

This book mainly focuses on the school that Jo Bhaer (originally Jo March) has founded for boys. She uses principles that would have been considered quite radical in those days. 

I thought it very pleasant read, despite a bit of author moralising now and again.

Recommended; but it's best if you've read the other books in the series first. Note that while they are regularly in print in paperback form, these books are long out of print and can be found inexpensively or free to download in electronic form.

(If you would like to know more about this book, I wrote a much longer review of 'Jo's Boys' when I re-read it yet again in 2018)

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