17 May 2001

Three Act Tragedy (by Agatha Christie)

Three Act Tragedy by Agatha Christie
(Amazon UK link)
I was getting on a roll with reading Agatha Christie's novels recently. It's a good thing that one of my sons had been collecting them for a while when I decided to start reading her books, at last.

'Three Act Tragedy' begins when an actor throws a dinner party.  Unsurprisingly, given the genre, one of the guests drops dead. An accident is assumed, until a similar event occurs at another dinner party some months later.

Hercule Poirot, the arrogant (but brilliant) Belgian detective gets involved. After much discussion and plenty of red herrings, he solves the mystery in his inimitable fashion.

As usual with Agatha Christie, this novel relies on clever plotting. It has the bonus of an almost believable ending with a little humour thrown in.

I thought it very enjoyable, and would recommend it.

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