29 Apr 2001

Laurie and Claire (by Kathleen Rowntree)

Laurie and Claire by Kathleen Rowntree
(Amazon UK link)
I only discovered Kathleen Rowntree recently but I'm already impressed with her as a writer. Each of the novels I've read so far by this author has been completely different.

'Laurie and Claire' is my favourite of her books so far. It's about two people called - unsurprisingly - Laurie and Claire. They grow up almost as if they were brother and sister, in the strange atmosphere of a thriving music community.

Claire realises at a young age that she is not at all musical. She is thus both a disappointment to her parents and a misfit amongst the people she knows. Laurie is always her champion, and gradually she falls in love with him.

The novel follows their lives, new discoveries they make about each other, and forays into adult life. Their unusual relationship is explored fully, seeing it remain strong despite traumas and problems.

I found this book thought-provoking, and very enjoyable.

Highly recommended.

(You can also read my rather longer review of 'Laurie and Claire', written after re-reading it sixteen years later, when I didn't rate it quite so highly, though I still enjoyed the book). 

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