14 Mar 2001

The Varleigh Medallion (by Sylvia Thorpe)

The Varleigh Medallion by Sylvia Thorpe
(Amazon UK link)
I hadn't heard of Sylvia Thorpe before. But this book - bought in a thrift shop - looked as if it would be my favourite historical style - that of light regency romance, as popularised by Georgette Heyer.

I was correct - or almost so. 'The Varleigh Medallion' is in fact a light Georgian romance, but is very much in Heyer's style.

Dionne Mallory and her family arrive at an inherited house, only to find it falling to ruin, with hostile servants. Dionne is a strong-minded young woman, and I found her very believable. She sets about putting everything to rights, and in the meantime becomes friendly (predictably) with their rich neighbour, Sir Guyden Varleigh.

The plot was good, although I found the minor characters rather flat and merely a background to the developing romance. 

I didn't think it was up to Georgette Heyer's standards, but still an enjoyable read.


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