18 Mar 2001

The Seven Dials Mystery (by Agatha Christie)

The Seven Dials Mystery by Agatha Christie
(Amazon UK link)
Having never read an Agatha Christie book in over forty years, I have been rapidly catching up lost time.. So I embarked on the sixth one I have read in three weeks. What an excellent story this one turned out to be, too.

'The Seven Dials Mystery' features a young man who dies in mysterious circumstances at a country house-party. When a friend of his is shot, shortly afterwards, other friends become suspicious. Their investigation leads to a night club, and the discovery of a secret masked group called 'Seven Dials'.

As four young people try to find the ringleader, events become more violent. Then there is a very clever and surprising end.

I thought this book most enjoyable - and would recommend it highly.

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