4 Feb 2001

Tell Mrs Poole I'm Sorry (by Kathleen Rowntree)

Tell Mrs Poole I'm Sorry by Kathleen Rowntree
(Amazon UK link)
I hadn't previously come across Kathleen Rowntree. But a friend thought I would like this book, so I borrowed it.

'Tell Mrs Poole I'm Sorry' is the story of three eleven-year-old girls from very different backgrounds. They become close friends, and discover together the joys and pains of growing up.

As the girls continue to need each other as adults, the past is revealed in cleverly written flashbacks. So, gradually, the earlier part of the book makes more sense.

There is a satisfying ending, although some secrets are still kept. Overall, I thought it a very enjoyable novel. It certainly it sparked my enthusiasm to find more books by this author.


(You can also read my rather longer review of 'Tell Mrs Poole I'm Sorry', which I wrote after re-reading sixteen years later.)

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